Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I meant to blog during Christmas...
I really did.
But I didn't. Basically, I hung with family and friends and had a great time.

But now it's back to reality, and it just so happens, reality sucks this semester.
I'm a J1... for those who don't know what that means, it's the hardest semester of nursing school. You have no life, start clinicals, the whole shabang.

That started for me on Monday.
I went from waking up at 10 every morning, to waking up at 7:20, being at class by 8, and learning for the next 7 hours. Then going back to my room and
watching nursing videos
until I'm dead tired, and fall asleep around 12:30 just to wake up at 7:20 and start again.

I understand that whole no-life thing.

Oh well. As my dad reminded me on the phone today, it'll be worth it in the end.
And one of my 100328378927483 teachers told me today, it's all about positive attitude.

So even though I'm only 2 days into it and still have another month of frontloading (nursing way of saying stuffing so much information in you it actually runs from your brain out your ears) I'm just gonna remember to smile... which was actually my New Year's resolution. Last year's over, and now I can focus on things that really matter.

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think...