Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Yay yay yay!

Today I found out... I got into nursing school :)
Oh this is such a relief. I'm so happy. A giant weight is off my shoulders.
It's so funny how all this little random stuff is adding up to something great.
For example. Today I found out I'm 2 points away from a B in chemistry. I thought I was failing. I was pretty shocked.
I also found out I only have 2 more labs for the rest of the semester. HALLELUAH!!
All my grades are going well.
I figured out my schedule for next semester... it's going to be AWESOME. My easiest semester.
Besides that, I don't have work Thursday and I'm going home that day to be with my family, to celebrate Easter. I can't wait :)

Thank you Jesus :) You're making my life so enjoyable right now. Thank you for reminding me to praise you all the time, and not forget when things get good. I love you. Please just keep guiding me in what You want me to do, and help me listen and obey.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Roomies :)

I'm so excited about my roommate for next year. She's graduating this May, she has the same major as me, with the same specialty and everything. She's an amazing christian girl who I met on my trip to Japan, and we immediately became inseperable. When I found out she was looking at UMHB I was thrilled, and once it became official I was so stoked. I wanted to room with her, but apparently a sophomore trying to room with a freshman in a dorm is pretty hard to reserve because they want all freshman to be together. Idk. But that's what made me getting the RA job so much sweeter, because right then and there I got to choose my roommate for next year, and she automatically is with me. It's official already, even before anyone else has any idea where they are going. It's a good feeling.
So here's just some pics of me and my future roomie :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

going well

Well, I don't understand it, but things just seem to be working out.
I mean, really good things. I seriously don't have any reason whatsoever to be complaining in my life.
I go to a great school.
I have friends that I actually trust.
I got the job I wanted for next semester.
I get to room with the girl I want next semester.
My boyfriend and I made it through a rough patch but now we're going smoothly.
I got about $14000 knocked off tuition for next year.
I'm not only passing, but making good grades.
My body has not been in as much pain as last semester.
I'm just realizing how thankful I should be right now. God is so good :) Why does that seem harder to remember in the bad?
I've really learned alot this year in college. I have so many questions I wish I could just ask God and get them answered and not have to wonder anymore. It seems like such a fine line christians have to walk. Like how do you show someone you love them even if they're doing something wrong, without approving of what they're doing? Or what do you do when a christian really is not living the way he should?
Or just what am I supposed to do??
In general??
I want to make a difference for God. I want to be one of those people who gave their whole lives. But I get so confused. I know that God wants me to go into nursing. Mostly because, this is something I NEVER wanted to do until I gave up my pride and let me go into this (in my mind) "humble job". Now I'm realizing there's a whole lot more to it than I had realized.
I know I'm supposed to do that in my future, go to foreign countries and help them out there too, but what about in the meantime?
I wish He would just talk straight out like He did in the old testament.
Anyway, I don't know how I started rambling about this. Now you have an insight of what goes on in my mind every day.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I really like kids.
I've dreamed of being a mom for well, as long as I could remember.
And I don't really know if I want to have kids myself, or if I want to adopt. I've already realized that adoption would probably be there no matter what though. Even if I had my own kids. Because God has placed it on my heart for seriously years.
I do not understand why people who cannot have kids don't adopt. As a matter of fact, I've kinda got this thought. Now this is just a thought so take it how you like, but what if woman who really want kids but can't get pregnant can't get pregnant because God wants them to adopt?
To me it just makes sense.
Anyway, being as I'm no where close to getting married and therefore reallyyy no where close to having kids, I had really felt like I needed to "adopt" a kid from another country.
My family had done this before, we had a little girl named Ingrid. We don't sponsor her anymore though because we got a letter saying that she no longer needed to be sponsored.
But I really felt that I needed to do this. That I needed to make the money sacrifice (cause for me, a broke college student, $38 a month truly is a sacrifice).
At revival today, they had some kids that you could choose to sponsor. And I got one.
I got this beautiful little girl named Eliana. She's four years old.
And as soon as I got her, this weird thing like, washed over me. And as dumb as this might sound, as soon as I held that piece of paper, I loved her. Like, genuinely loved her.
I feel as though she is mine. Giving that money seriously seems like no big deal anymore. As long as she is safe and has food and clothes and medicine, I'm thrilled.
I know that seems dumb that I could feel that way over a little girl I've never even met, but it's true.
It made me think of how much I'm going to love my own kids some day.
And that made me think of the fact that as much as I love this little girl, and I love my family and my friends and my future kids, every single thing... God loves me more.
He's the one that gave me that feeling that washed over me and took me by surprise.
He's the one that made me to His own specifications so He could love me completely for who I am.
I love Him so much, but He loves me so much more.

Abnormal Tuesdays

Tuesday is a hard day for me this semester. It goes from class at 8, straight to work for 2 1/2 hours, eat as fast as possible, then go to chemistry from 1 to 520. We have a ton of homework we have to turn in that day every week and normally really hard surprise quizzes to go with it.
From there I head to bible study with my buds. Then normally eat and go watch...
This Tuesday was a little different. The beginning was all the same. But when we got to chemistry, we got out early. By 4 in fact. It was AWESOME.
So as I was walking back from there I saw Jenna, Sidni and Bailey sitting outside in the beautiful weather, and I joined them for the next hour or so. While I was there I got a phone call saying....
I got the RA job. Woo!
It's a good feeling knowing that I won't have to go back to the job I have now next semester. Plus that's another $4000 for scholarships next year.
After bible study we had revival in this huge tent in the quad. It has Dutton, who I love! They were our Sonday's camp band for years. The speaker was Wes Hamilton, who I had seen at YEC and was really good. So that revival was really fun!
Then I went back to my room and watched LOST. It was the best episode everrr. I cried. I'm also starting to see some major christian symbolism in it. I'm really interested to see where it goes.
I know this isn't a really exciting post, but it was exciting for me :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Thank you Jesus

Today was the very opposite of what I had expected. I got one hour of sleep the night before, just laid in bed for 7 and a half hours before then. I had written that research paper the two hours before then.
So when I went to A&P2 at 8 in the morning, and my teacher said that the grades were terrible and blamed it on the fact that we must not have studied enough, not the fact she gave us that 9 page study guide of just questions less than a week before the test, I was thinking today was really gonna suck.
I had 3 tests in 2 days... and big whopper tests too, not little dinky things. I studied my butt off, but with juggling all three, they each got a third of the attention they deserved. So i thought I had failed all of them.
So when I got my grade back and had made a 73, I was thrilled.
And when my teacher told us that just this once, we could make corrections for half credit, I was beyond thrilled. That brought me up to an 87.5.
So then I went to developmental pysch, where our teacher got mad at us for emailing her over spring break. (my response being maybe you shouldn't assign a paper the day after spring break). But I got my grade back, and almost cried when I saw a 60.
Until my teacher told us to multiply that by 1.34.
which brought me to an 80.4
and then to give ourselves 6 extra credit points for being here (since half the class was gone)
so now an 86.4.
and then that didn't count the bonus questions I had answered, so another 2 and a half points.
i'm thinking, what the crap? today was supposed to suck.
so i go to work, no big deal. just thinking about how I don't wanna be a teacher, so why did I choose this job?
When I get in my car I see I have a voicemail. I check it.
It's the RA from the dorm I had applied for, telling me that they want to intervue me a second time. I'm down to the final 4.
So I went through the rest of my day, which stayed just as nice. I got the interview done and will know by 6 tomorrow. I don't think I got it, but that's okay. It was just nice being called back.
So now I'm catching up on LOST, and then going to bed to hopefully sleep tonight. Then again, maybe not getting sleep agrees with me.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring Break

Well I haven't written in a while. I've been in Missouri this whole week! It's really pretty here. Of course, no chance of a tan here. I'll be the only winter white person left at UMHB when I get back. However, it's been fun just chilling with my family, eating out at nice restaurants, watching the wedding channel with my mom, then cops and forensic science with my dad and brother, going to branson and looking at the sights. Today however, I'm finally starting my research paper that's due Monday... yes, that's in 3 days. Yay procrastination! I'm so thankful for this week though, I needed a break so badly. Now I can finish off this semester strong. Woo!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


All my tests are over. Thursday went horrible, and I'm not even gonna think about the grade on that test. Which really annoys me, cause I studied.
I swear, all the teachers must have plotted putting all the tests at the EXACT SAME TIME on purpose just to make us die.
Friday I was up by 630, took my A&P2 test at 730, took my developmental pysch test at 815, and was at work by 9. Worked for 4 hours, then worked out, and packed up.
Then I met up with Jon Michael and we went to College Station. It was our 2 year anniversary today. We went to Buffalo Wild Wings, our favorite, and watched part of brother #4's baseball game.
Then we drove down to Victoria and hung out with my family and my puppy. We were gonna watch Alice and Wonderland but it was so late by the time we got back I think we would have slept through it. So that's part of tomorrow's agenda.
Also, he bought me the James Avery "lover's knot" ring. I love it. :)
Now I have spring break to look forward to, though I do have a 10 page research paper I have to write over spring break, it's due the Monday we get back. Blah.
This break is much needed, and I'm going to enjoy every minute of it.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Gonna be okay

Well, I didn't get the RA job.
That hurt me pretty bad.
I know that's kinda random, but for some reason, it really made me feel not good enough. And then JM backed out of some plans we had made that day. Shouldn't have bothered me, but it reinforced those feelings I was having.
Now, I know the girl that did get the job is best friends with all the RA's in that building. And my friends were telling me they know that's why she got it.
It made me feel a little better, but basically all of yesterday I just felt like a failure.
Then I went to bible study and we did a lesson on doubting God's love. It was really something I needed to hear at the moment, cause though I don't ever think I doubt God's love, I certainly wonder why He does some of the stuff He does when I know He loves me.
Just listening to all these girls talk about how they feel the same way really made me realize that this isn't something new. And that just because you don't get a job shouldn't affect your life, it shouldn't even affect your day.
So that's what I'm working on. I take things much too hard. My feelings get hurt really easily. But I want to just move on. Roll with the punches. Take what's given to me and know if I didn't get what I wanted, it's because God has something better for me. I just need to look for it.
So, I have a chemistry test tomorrow. It's gonna be okay.
I have an A&P test Friday. It's gonna be okay.
I have a developmental pysch test Friday, and my teacher just told us today that she changed her mind about letting us do it open book, which was what I was banking on.
It's going to be okay.
Jeremiah 29:11 will definitely be my verse for the rest of the week.
Well that and James 1:5.

Monday, March 8, 2010

To my UMHB friends :)

I don't want this blog to be just about what I do every day. So rather then tell you about how I slipped and fell outside the sub in the rain on my way to class today and now my leg is slightly swollen, bruised and had been bleeding, I want to explain something.
It's something I actually just figured out myself.
See, I wanted to know why I didn't feel like "a college kid".
Now, when you think of the typical college kid, you think of someone who studies, but is always with friends, pulls all nighters, does crazy random things, etc etc.
That's not really me.
It is me more so than I was last semester though.
Last semester, I pretty much kept to myself. And after thinking about it and really digging into just who I am, I figured out why.
Growing up, I was always with friends. I had tons of friends, even tons of best friends, and I spent as much time with them as I could. Looking back, I was "popular", as lame as that sounds. I still remember when one of my friends called me up begging me not to change my myspace top friends, and when I looked on myspace I was number 1 on 6 different peoples page. Sooo stupid now.But that's how it was until about junior year. Junior year, stuff just started happening with my friends. All those people that I was so close to started doing stuff, some flat out mean and spiteful, some to get attention from other people, some just because they started going down another path. Rumors started being thrown around about me at my church. When I found out who started them, it hurt me pretty bad. When I confronted her about it, she denied it. And then cussed me out to some friends. Who got mad and told me. (which almost caused my boyfriend JM to beat some people up). Some of my friends started partying and drinking, and then lying to me about it to my face. Some would just say one thing to me and then turn around and diss me in front of others. In Victoria, stuff gets around. But basically, I lost my trust in my "friends." And I became a one on one kind of person. I hated going out in groups, because in groups people aren't who they really are. You don't know who someone is until you've been with them one on one. So that was my junior and senior year. I still had some close friends junior year, but my 2 besties went to college my senior year, and I was alone. Honestly, if I didn't have Toler by this time, I don't know how that year would've turned out. He was truly a God-send. I had some other friends, like Deborah, but we didn't become good friends until it was pretty much time for me to leave.
So then I came to UMHB, and I love it here. But last semester, I was never really close with anyone. And honestly, that was probably my fault. I've just been so scared to actually let people see who I am. But this semester, I've actually been hanging with people more. I've got my group of girls who I'm in the Bible study with and I absolutely adore them. I feel like I could call them up at any time with anything and they'd be there to help me. And the boys in CFC are just great. I can finally feel myself opening up again. I'm not just keeping everything inside anymore, all this stuff I'm dealing with, I can actually talk it out with people who genuinely care for me. And it's this weird but awesome feeling. Last semester, it would have been hard for me to go out with a group without Toler, cause he was kind of my security blanket, the person I could rely on. Now God is setting me up to get back where I should have been and get my confidence back in friends.
So all my UMHB buds, just wanted to let you know, I love you guys so much. Just be patient with me, and maybe I'll be a "college kid" before this year is up.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I'm not alright... that's why I need You

Hmm. Today did not turn out at all expected. Why? Here's the bad.
Nothing went as planned.
Almost didn't go to the concert.
My mom had to leave church early cause I was crying to her about... stuff so hard I actually went through a TOWEL.
Ended up screaming "i'm not alright" by sanctus real on the way to houston.
The stupid cops of Houston made me circle for an hour before I could get into my reserved lot.
Drove for 7 hours out of 1 day.
Got judged for going to see a band it's been labeled cool to make fun of, even though they're actually really talented Christian guys with nothing wrong with them.
Here's the good.
Got to spend time with a friend I had always wanted to but never gotten the chance.
Got to see the Jonas Brothers, who did a fantastic job.
My mom gave me $20.

But as is life. I will rejoice in my sufferings, and I will persevere.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Saturdays should not consist of schoolwork

But they do. At least for me today they do. You know it's going to be bad when your teacher's status (who is friends with you on facebook... go UMHB) says "my kids are going to hate me when they see the review I just put up".
I thought today I was just gonna chill and watch GLEE and probably hang with Jenna later on tonight. But for the past couple hours I've been doing this. Read through the beginning at least, I dare you.
Test #2 Review

Chapter 15:
• What are the 2 categories sense organs fall into?
• List examples of general and special senses
• What is the function of sensory receptors?
• Define receptor potential
• What do sensory impulses that end in the brainstem affect?
• What do sensory impulses that end in the thalamus affect?
• What do sensory impulses that end in the cerebral cortex affect?
• Define adaptation and give an example
• Define perception
• What are the differences in distribution of special sense receptors and general sense receptors?
• Define the two-point discrimination test
• What are the three categories of receptors based on location?
• Where are exteroceptors located and what senses do they detect?
• Where are visceroceptors located and what senses do they detect?
• Where are proprioceptors located and what senses do they detect?
• What are the two types of proprioceptors and what is the difference between them?
• What are the six categories of receptors based on stimulus detected?
o Know how each these receptors are stimulated
• What are the two categories of receptors based on structure?
• Define nociceptors
• What are the two types of nerve fibers that carry impulses from nociceptors to the brain?
o Know the difference between these two types of fibers
• What tissue of the body doesn’t contain nociceptors?
• Define referred pain
• Do thermoreceptors adapt quickly?
• Know the difference between how hot and cold react
• What are root hair plexuses and how are they activated?
• How are itch sensations generally caused?
• What is discriminative touch?
o What is it mediated by?
• What two cells make up the tactile receptor unit?
• What are tactile corpuscles?
• What are bulboid corpuscles?
• What are bulbous corpuscles?
• What are lamellar corpuscles?
• What are the two types of stretch receptors?
• Define stretch reflex
• Define golgi tendon reflex
• Define olfaction
• What three components make up the olfactory epithelium?
• What is the typical shape of olfactory neurons?
• Where is olfactory epithelium located?
o Explain why this makes it necessary to sniff to smell better
• Why do olfactory receptors undergo rapid adaptation?
• How are senses of smell and taste closely related?
• What are the sense organs for our sense of taste?
• Define gustation
• What are the four classes of taste buds based on structure?
• What is the name of a chemical that stimulates taste buds?
• What are gustatory cells?
• What are the five primary taste sensations?
• What are the three cranial nerves that are involved in transmitting signals for taste?
o Know which area of the tongue (or other structure) they transmit signals from
• Define flavor
• What two senses does the ear provide?
• What receptor in the ear is responsible for both of these senses?
• What are the three anatomical divisions of the ear?
• What are the two divisions of the external ear?
• What is the tympanic membrane?
• What are the three auditory ossicles?
• What are the openings of the middle ear?
• What is the function of the auditory or Eustachian tube?
• What are the two main parts of the inner ear?
o What structures are in each of these parts?
• What is endolymph?
• What is perilymph?
• What structure of the inner ear is the only one involved in hearing?
• What are the names of the two sections the cochlear duct divides the cochlea into?
• What is the roof of the cochlear duct called?
• What is the floor of the cochlear duct called?
• What is the organ of Corti?
• What is volume and pitch?
• The basilar membrane’s width is not uniform. What functional purpose does this serve?
• How are differences in volume perceived?
• Describe the pathway of sound waves from when they enter the external auditory canal to where they finally hit the round window
• Where are the sense organs for equilibrium located?
• Define static equilibrium
• Define dynamic equilibrium
• Define macula
• What are otoliths?
• Define righting reflexes
• What is the crista ampullaris?
• Define ophthalmology
• What are the four accessory structures of the eye?
• What are the three external eye structures?
• Define palpebrae
• Define conjunctiva
• Define palpebral fissure
• What is the function of the lacrimal apparatus?
• What is the function of the extrinsic eye muscles?
• What is the function of the intrinsic eye muscles?
o What are the muscles of this group?
• What are the three layers of tissues that compose the eyeball?
o Know the parts of each layer
• What is the cornea?
• What is the iris?
• What is the pupil?
• What is the retina?
• What three layers of neurons make up the sensory retina?
• What are the two types photoreceptor cells of the eye called?
• Why is the optic disk known as the blind spot?
• What are the 2 main cavities of the eyeball?
o What are the 2 subdivisions of the front most cavity?
• Define aqueous humor
• Define vitreous humor
• What causes glaucoma?
• What are the four processes focus light rays so that a clear image is formed on the retina?
• What are the refracting media of the eye?
• Define visual acuity
o Know what 20/20, 20/15 and 20/200 mean in terms of visual acuity
• What are common errors of refraction?
• What three changes must occur for near vision?
• How do the ciliary muscles affect lens shape?
• What causes eye strain?
• Define near reflex
• Define photopupil or papillary light reflex
• What is binocular vision and how is it achieved?
• What is convergence?
• What can all light-sensitive pigmented compounds be broken down into?
• What photopigment is found in rods?
• Does the brain perceive color or “black and white” vision from rods?
• What are the three types of cones?
• Does the brain perceive color or “black and white” vision from cones?
Chapter 16
• What system does the endocrine system work with to maintain homeostasis?
o Both of these system uses chemical messengers – what are the chemical messengers of the endocrine system called?
• What are the differences between endocrine and exocrine glands?
• What are neurosecretory cells?
• What are the two categories of hormone based on chemical structure?
• What important lipid are all steroid hormones made from?
• What are nonsteroid hormones primarily synthesized from?
• What are the three types of nonsteroid hormones?
• What is the “lock-and-key” mechanism in terms of hormones and receptors?
• Define signal transduction
• What are three ways in which groups of hormones can affect each other’s actions?
• What must steroid hormones attach to to be able to travel through the blood stream?
• Why are steroid hormone receptors known as the mobile-receptor model?
• What is the end result of steroid hormone action?
• What mechanism do nonsteriod hormones use to perform their action?
o What is another name for this mechanism?
• How do effects of second messenger system by nonsteroid hormones differ from the effects of steroid hormone mechanism?
o In terms of amplification and how quickly effects are seen
• What is another mechanism nonsteroid hormones act through
• Is most hormone secretion regulated through positive or negative feedback loops?
• Define endocrine reflexes
• What is the sensitivity of a target cell to a particular hormone dependent on?
• Define up-regulation
• Define down-regulation
• What are prostaglandins made from?
• Why are prostaglandins called tissue hormones?
• What is the overall function of all prostaglandins?
• What was the pituitary gland formerly called?
• What is the infundibulum?
• What are the two glands that make up the pituitary gland?
• What are the two portions of the adenohypophysis?
• What are the five categories of cells in the adenohypophysis based on what they secrete?
• What are the four ways in which growth hormone affects metabolism?
• What is the main function of prolactin?
• What is the function of a tropic hormone?
• What are the four principle tropic hormones secreted by basophils of the pars anterior?
• What is the function of gonadotropins?
• What are portal systems and why are they beneficial?
• What other structure secretes hormones that control hormone secretion of the adenohypophysis?
• Neurohypophysis is the storage and releasing site for what two hormones?
o What is the function of these two hormones?
• What is the principle hormones of the pineal gland?
• What two hormones make up the thyroid hormone?
o Which of these hormones is secreted in larger amounts?
o Which of these hormones is considered to be the principle hormone?
• What are the two overall effects of calcitonin?
• What hormone is an antagonist to calcitonin?
o What gland releases this hormone?
• Where are the adrenal glands located
• Define adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla
• What are the three layers of the adrenal cortex?
• What is the main function of aldosterone?
• How does the RAAS system help maintain blood pressure?
• What are the main effects of glucocorticoids?
• What kind of tissue makes up the adrenal medulla?
• What two important hormones does the adrenal medulla secrete?
• What is the name of the islands of cells that make up the endocrine portion of the pancreas?
o What four types of cells make up the islets and what do they secrete?
• What is the function of glucagon?
• What is the function of insulin?
• What hormone is somatostatin an antagonist to?
• What main hormone do the testes produce?
• What two main hormones do the ovaries produce?
• What main hormone does the placenta produce?
• What two hormones does the thymus produce?
• What three GI hormones did we discuss in lecture?
• What hormone does the heart produce?
Chapter 20
• What are the two most important functions of the lymphatic system?
• Define edema
• How do lymphatic vessels keep edema from occurring?
• What are the three components of the lymphatic system?
• What are six examples of lymphoid tissue?
• What is the main difference between the lymphatic and general circulatory systems?
• Define lymph
• Define interstitial fluid
• What are lymphatics?
• What are the two main lymphatic trunks?
o Which areas of the body drain into which of these ducts?
• What is the cistern chili?
• Lymphatic vessels resemble veins with three exceptions – what are these exceptions?
• What is the function of the numerous valves located all along the lymphatics?
• Do lymphatics have the ability to regenerate?
• Why is it advantageous for lymphatic vessels to be much more permeable than regular vessels?
• What is the general circulatory flow of lymph?
• Define lymphokinesis
• Since there is no “lymphatic heart” – what three main mechanisms keep lymph flowing, even against the flow of gravity in most cases.
• What are the 2 distinct functions of lymph nodes?
• How do lymph nodes perform as biological and mechanical filtration units?
• Define mastitis
• Define mastectomy
• What is the axillary tail in the breast and what is its clinical significant in terms of breast cancer and/or infections?
• Define tonsillitis
• What are the four groups of tonsils that make up the pharyngeal lymphoid ring?
• Define tonsillectomy
• Define involution
o What lymphatic organ undergoes this process?
• What are the two main functions of the thymus?
• What are the four functions of the spleen discussed in lecture?
• Define splenectomy
Chapter 21:
• Define antigens
• What are the two major immune mechanisms?
o What are some main differences between these two mechanisms?
o What types of cells do both of these mechanisms use?
• What is species resistance?
• What is involved in each of the three lines of defense of our immune system?
• What are the two main mechanical barriers of our immune system?
• Define chemotaxis
• What are four of the characteristic signs of inflammation?
• Define fever
• Why do we get chills when we have a fever?
• What are pyrogens?
• Why do COX inhibitors like aspirin have a fever-reducing effect?
• Define phagocytosis
• How does phagocytosis cross over into the adaptive immune mechanism?
• Define diapedesis
• what is pus?
• What are natural killer cells?
• What are the two receptors that NKCs recognize?
o If NKCs recognize both receptors on one cell, what happens?
o If NKCs recognize only the killer-activating receptor, what happens?
• Define apoptosis
• How does interferon interfere with the ability of a virus to cause disease?
• What is complement?
• In very general terms, what is the main function of toll-like receptors?
• What are the two groups of cells that are the main players in adaptive immunity?
• Define antibody-mediated immunity
o What cells are responsible for this?
o What is another name for this type of immunity?
• Define cell-mediated immunity
o What cells are responsible for this?
o What is another name for this type of immunity?
• Two signals must occur to have activation of lymphocytes – what are they?
• What is the general circulation of lymphocytes?
• Why is it important for lymphocytes to have a good survival value?
• After naïve B cells make antibodies, what do they do with them?
• Naïve B cells are activated when what occurs?
• What two types of cells B cells differentiate into after antigen-antibody binding?
• What is the function of effector B cells (plasma cells)?
• What is the function of memory B cells?
• What is another term for antibody?
• What is the general structure of an antibody?
• Define variable regions
o What purpose do these regions serve?
• What is the somatic recombination theory in terms of antibody diversity?
• How do mutations help in antibody diversity?
• What are the five classes of antibodies?
o Which is made after initial contact with an antigen?
o Which is the most abundant?
• What is the main function of antibodies?
• What are three main affects that the antigen-antibody complex can produce?
• One result of the complement activation is formation of membrane attack complexes (MACs)
o What are these complexes and what is the end result after their formation?
• What are three other functions of complement?
• Can complement be activated without the presence of antibodies?
• What is primary response and secondary response
• How do vaccines and booster shots use primary and secondary response to their advantage?
• What are the two basic principles of the clonal selection theory?
o How do antigens “seal their own fate” according to this theory?
• How do T cells get their name?
• How do T cells react with antigens?
o Compare them to how B cells react with antigens
• Once T cells are sensitized, what two types of T cells do they differentiate into?
• Define immunological synapse (IS)
• What are cytokines?
• What are the five examples of cytokines discussed in lecture?
• How do lymphotoxins kill a cell?
• What is the function of helper T cells?
• What is the function of suppressor T cells?
• What is the difference between natural and artificial immunity?
• What is the difference between active and passive immunity?

Sometimes college really sucks.

Friday, March 5, 2010

I didn't realize good days were becoming a habit.

Man, I just realized something.
These past few days have all been really good.
I probably wouldn't have realized that if I didn't have this blog to look back on. I'd have just kept living my life looking straight ahead and not thinking about what's happened around me. Thank you Jesus for having me start this right when things made a turn for the better.
Cause really, things have made a turn for the better. I mean, this semester is really hard and all, but we've got less than 2 months left. LESS THAN 2 MONTHS! In less than 2 months, I won't have to be at class at 8 every day like a high schooler. In less than 2 months, I will have officially been in college a year.
What's weird is, I still don't feel like "a college student". Or at least, not what I thought being a college student would feel like. It has been changing so that I feel more like one lately though. But more on that at a different time.
Anyway, today has been good. My developmental psych teacher told me "keep doing what you're doing and you have this class in the bag..." that made me feel really good. Especially since half her class failed last semester.
Work was actually... really good.
I got to go to the Haiti benefit concert part 2 and hear my boy play bass for Jesus.
I got to hear other bands, some better than others, there too.
I went to IHOP and chilled with Canaan and his girlfriend Hannah, along with the rest of the bands (though we pretty much hung with those two.)
Got asked out on a date by Tim in front of Jon Michael.
Got to hang with some of my friends after working out in the gym.
And the best part of all....
Be jealous.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

There's just something freeing about walking barefoot...

Today was a day I want to remember.
It started great. It ended great. And everything in the middle was great.
To start- my school is the greatest. To support the people of Haiti we all went barefoot for the entire day yesterday. So at 7:45 this morning, I was laughing with people as we pulled up our jeans to show our bare feet. And honestly, there's just something freeing about bare feet. It made me feel... giddy. The weather was about 45 degrees, 65 in the afternoon, and the concrete just felt amazing, not hot or uncomfortable.
From class I had to go straight to work, from work to eat, from lunch to chemistry (BLAH!) but she let us out a half hour early. And I passed a quiz. This is the first class I've ever been happy to be merely passing.
After class I went back to my room, and did some homework while watching GLEE. From there I met up with my pal Jenna, and we sat out on a blanket and just talked in the sunshine. Everyone was outside, barefoot, playing frisbee or playing with dogs and listening to the Help for Haiti concert being put on. The live music from it was played right in the quad and it just seemed picture perfect. We were out there for an hour and a half or so.
Then the NCAA tournament basketball game. Our school is in the finals, cause we're awesome. Or rather, was in the finals.
Who cares. We're still awesome.
From there, the Help for Haiti concert again. 2 singers were there, James Caronna and Jimmy Needham. If you haven't heard them, I strongly encourage looking them up. James was so absolutely hilarious and his voice was amazing, and Jimmy is pretty much a christian Jason Mraz.
All in all, a picture perfect day.
Thank you Jesus, I needed this so much.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

high points

Today... has been good. Unexpectedly good.
Not saying I necessarily thought today would be bad. Just, normal.
Only it kinda wasn't.
Today I had class at 8 (ugh!! what was I thinking having 8 o'clock classes every day?) but I made an 86 on my practical so I was pysched! (HIGH POINT #1) Then I had class at 9, but when I got there our teacher wasn't there, so I got to sign the roll and go back to my room. (HIGH POINT #2)
Then, the blog was made. And homework finished. I had nothing to do from 9 till 11, when we had chapel for an hour.
Then lunch with the buds, and off to work. When I got there my kindergarteners and 1st grade were at a field trip, so I had nothing to do. I worked with 2nd grade for an hour but then they went to PE and music, so I, once again, had nothing to do. So the prinicipal let me leave early! (HIGH POINT #3) From there I went to the gym and worked out.
Let me pause here. This is new. I actually first started working out voluntarily for the first time this semester this week. But so far I've been good at doing it every day... yes I know that's really not saying much. That's all of like 3 days.
So anyway... after I worked out I hung out with Jenna, Robert and Austin for about an hour and a half. That was really fun, because I hadn't really hung out with Robert and Austin before. I was cool getting to know them.
So the rest of my day consists of meeting Ashleigh and Rachel in the library to study chemistry, and starting GLEE. Sounds like a party!!
The only low points of my day would be the fact I still haven't heard anything about getting the RA position, and that I just found out our hot water went out. Oh well :)

well, this is new.

Hmm. I don't really know how to begin. I've wanted to blog for a long time since my sister has been. I always try to write down my thoughts but journaling takes too long, so of course I turned to the computer. I think it's a great way to just sort through your thoughts. The only reason I waited so long was because someone, who shall remain nameless, told me how dumb it was and then turned around and got one himself and didn't tell me about it.
Which is fine. (Really, it is.)
It just made me realize that I had no reason to not get one, since it's my decision on what I do and I shouldn't not do something I want just because someone else thinks it's stupid.
Which goes in with the Bible study I had yesterday, which was on what people think. A couple of my friends at UMHB with me have been having a Bible study once a week. And until yesterday... I hadn't felt it click yet. We were staying with surface sunday school answers, and I had thought "this is going to be one of THOSE Bible studies. The kind people do just to be able to say 'I'm doing a Bible study!'"
But yesterday, I was proved wrong. And I loved it. Finally hearing people open up was great. And Jenna led it completely from her heart and I just loved it so much.
Sorry this is so random. But hey, I'm a girl, my thoughts go a million miles a minute.
There's so much I could talk about that's going on with my life right now. From school to RA applications and waiting to hear back. To sickness with my grandma. To my new puppy. To waiting to hear if I got in to nursing school. To the suckiness of chemistry. To my 2 year anniversary with my boyfriend coming up. To the fact that I'm learning so much about God right now in every thing I do it feels. To the excitement of next semester. To the fact I just want a break from school, but during the summer I'm taking three more classes. To feeling burned out. To missing Tokyo so much my heart hurts, and I feel like I have no one to talk about it with. To missing food that actually tastes good. To missing my family. To wanting to get tan. To those random thoughts from satan saying "you're not good enough." To thinking Taco Bell is a treat.

But hey, there's plenty of time for that.