Wednesday, March 3, 2010

high points

Today... has been good. Unexpectedly good.
Not saying I necessarily thought today would be bad. Just, normal.
Only it kinda wasn't.
Today I had class at 8 (ugh!! what was I thinking having 8 o'clock classes every day?) but I made an 86 on my practical so I was pysched! (HIGH POINT #1) Then I had class at 9, but when I got there our teacher wasn't there, so I got to sign the roll and go back to my room. (HIGH POINT #2)
Then, the blog was made. And homework finished. I had nothing to do from 9 till 11, when we had chapel for an hour.
Then lunch with the buds, and off to work. When I got there my kindergarteners and 1st grade were at a field trip, so I had nothing to do. I worked with 2nd grade for an hour but then they went to PE and music, so I, once again, had nothing to do. So the prinicipal let me leave early! (HIGH POINT #3) From there I went to the gym and worked out.
Let me pause here. This is new. I actually first started working out voluntarily for the first time this semester this week. But so far I've been good at doing it every day... yes I know that's really not saying much. That's all of like 3 days.
So anyway... after I worked out I hung out with Jenna, Robert and Austin for about an hour and a half. That was really fun, because I hadn't really hung out with Robert and Austin before. I was cool getting to know them.
So the rest of my day consists of meeting Ashleigh and Rachel in the library to study chemistry, and starting GLEE. Sounds like a party!!
The only low points of my day would be the fact I still haven't heard anything about getting the RA position, and that I just found out our hot water went out. Oh well :)

1 comment:

  1. your blogging.. that makes me happy....

    really happy.

    love you.... and love your random thoughts...
    a lot.
