Wednesday, March 3, 2010

well, this is new.

Hmm. I don't really know how to begin. I've wanted to blog for a long time since my sister has been. I always try to write down my thoughts but journaling takes too long, so of course I turned to the computer. I think it's a great way to just sort through your thoughts. The only reason I waited so long was because someone, who shall remain nameless, told me how dumb it was and then turned around and got one himself and didn't tell me about it.
Which is fine. (Really, it is.)
It just made me realize that I had no reason to not get one, since it's my decision on what I do and I shouldn't not do something I want just because someone else thinks it's stupid.
Which goes in with the Bible study I had yesterday, which was on what people think. A couple of my friends at UMHB with me have been having a Bible study once a week. And until yesterday... I hadn't felt it click yet. We were staying with surface sunday school answers, and I had thought "this is going to be one of THOSE Bible studies. The kind people do just to be able to say 'I'm doing a Bible study!'"
But yesterday, I was proved wrong. And I loved it. Finally hearing people open up was great. And Jenna led it completely from her heart and I just loved it so much.
Sorry this is so random. But hey, I'm a girl, my thoughts go a million miles a minute.
There's so much I could talk about that's going on with my life right now. From school to RA applications and waiting to hear back. To sickness with my grandma. To my new puppy. To waiting to hear if I got in to nursing school. To the suckiness of chemistry. To my 2 year anniversary with my boyfriend coming up. To the fact that I'm learning so much about God right now in every thing I do it feels. To the excitement of next semester. To the fact I just want a break from school, but during the summer I'm taking three more classes. To feeling burned out. To missing Tokyo so much my heart hurts, and I feel like I have no one to talk about it with. To missing food that actually tastes good. To missing my family. To wanting to get tan. To those random thoughts from satan saying "you're not good enough." To thinking Taco Bell is a treat.

But hey, there's plenty of time for that.

1 comment:

  1. Does the person who told you blogging was dumb have a name that starts with a T and ends with an oler? :P hahahaha.
