Monday, March 22, 2010

Thank you Jesus

Today was the very opposite of what I had expected. I got one hour of sleep the night before, just laid in bed for 7 and a half hours before then. I had written that research paper the two hours before then.
So when I went to A&P2 at 8 in the morning, and my teacher said that the grades were terrible and blamed it on the fact that we must not have studied enough, not the fact she gave us that 9 page study guide of just questions less than a week before the test, I was thinking today was really gonna suck.
I had 3 tests in 2 days... and big whopper tests too, not little dinky things. I studied my butt off, but with juggling all three, they each got a third of the attention they deserved. So i thought I had failed all of them.
So when I got my grade back and had made a 73, I was thrilled.
And when my teacher told us that just this once, we could make corrections for half credit, I was beyond thrilled. That brought me up to an 87.5.
So then I went to developmental pysch, where our teacher got mad at us for emailing her over spring break. (my response being maybe you shouldn't assign a paper the day after spring break). But I got my grade back, and almost cried when I saw a 60.
Until my teacher told us to multiply that by 1.34.
which brought me to an 80.4
and then to give ourselves 6 extra credit points for being here (since half the class was gone)
so now an 86.4.
and then that didn't count the bonus questions I had answered, so another 2 and a half points.
i'm thinking, what the crap? today was supposed to suck.
so i go to work, no big deal. just thinking about how I don't wanna be a teacher, so why did I choose this job?
When I get in my car I see I have a voicemail. I check it.
It's the RA from the dorm I had applied for, telling me that they want to intervue me a second time. I'm down to the final 4.
So I went through the rest of my day, which stayed just as nice. I got the interview done and will know by 6 tomorrow. I don't think I got it, but that's okay. It was just nice being called back.
So now I'm catching up on LOST, and then going to bed to hopefully sleep tonight. Then again, maybe not getting sleep agrees with me.

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