Monday, May 31, 2010

past and future

So I haven't written on here in about a month, my bad!! I'm not going to lie, life has been pretty fantastic. Let's see what's happened since the last time I wrote.
I moved out of my dorm! My family, Jon Michael and I had it all done by in less than an hour and a half.
I got to eat at County Line on the way home, loving the 3 hour car ride with my brother.
My family, Jon Michael, Deborah and I had a chill birthday celebration with a meal full of only appetizers. Cheese fries, potato skins, mozzarella sticks, fried rice, egg rolls, lettuce wraps, etc etc.
I started a minimester of sociology that ends tomorrow. Ten days, about 5 hours of reading a day... and about 650 pages of that massive textbook later, now all I've got is the final tomorrow.
I've been spending as much time as possible with Hannah Bratz.
Been staying up all night watching Friends with Austin.
Watched the finale of LOST, now I'm not sure what to look forward to.
Thinking/praying about Africa next summer.
Spending lazy days at the pool.
Got a flight to California.
Getting back into shape after all that college non- working.
Eating GOOD food.
Had a bbq for the sound board people... had a great time with all these people of all ages. Love my brother John Woods and sister Lindsey.
Loved the way that for some reason, when I talk to adults now, I'm considered an adult. It's weird, but kinda cool.
Saw my friend's new baby. He's beautiful.
Mastered some stuff I've always wanted to do.
Got a fantastic massage.
Killed about a million scorpions.
I love this summer. There's something about it that feels freeing. I've needed this, soooo much. It feels different than any summer I've ever had, in a really good way.

Now what's to come:
CPR class for medical professionals
a buttload of shots

1 comment:

  1. YEC, YEC, YEC!! :)

    I misss you, woman. We need some hangout time soon.
