Friday, July 9, 2010


Well. I have not been writing on here at all! I will start slowly catching back up.
I have slowly been knocking out all the things on my to-do list from last time.
Shots- done. Miserable, and I have to finish the hep B shot soon, but hey, at least it's pretty much done.
YEC- done. It was amazing.
Microbiology- started now. It is MISERABLE. HORRIBLE. SLOWLY SUCKING MY LIFE AWAY. I mean, 5 hours, 5 days a week, only to come home to read and study. But it will be over soon.

But on a whole other note, I went to California to be with my sister, brother-in-law, and her two most precious kiddos. It was an amazing 10 days full of:
reading to Ry,
cuddling Caders,
making headbands to sell,
eating chocolate cinammon bears,
playing card games,
swimming in freezing weather,
getting spoiled by Les making me clothes in no time at all,
eating yummyyyy shrimp,
playing at parks,
watching Arrested Development,
and playing bunk-o.
It was beyond amazing.

I love them, and I really really wish they lived closer.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post so so much....

    you made me cry, and made Nick even get a little sentimental.
    Im blessed to have a sister... :)
    Love you.

    In fact so much, we are going to come and do it again..
