Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Not a happy post.

This is not a happy post.
I am not exaggerating when I say I have had zero time to blog.
My days are wake up, be at class by 8, want to blow my brains out by 9, be stuck in class till 4, come back, study all night, do RA stuff.
(this semester blows.)
I've been counting down weeks since the first one. 13 left not including spring break.
So because of how crappy this has been, I guess God decided to play a joke on Texas.
It is cold.
Freaking freezing! Averaging less than 20, with snow, but snow that doesn't stick.
To make things even better, the power is going out every hour starting at 5 oclock this morning so, as an RA, all the girls are texting me freaking out so I didn't get to get sleep the last couple hours.
Now I'm in class. Typically I would be paying attention, however, today is so pointless.
All of our stuff is on the computer, but no computers can be plugged in, including the teachers. So she's just reading us stuff out of the book... which I've already read. Oh... the fury.
Not to mention the fact I have to retake a math test (that I didn't miss any problems on) because I didn't show all my work. Uuuggghhhhh.
I'm not even going to mention that Valentine's day is coming up which will be a fun day of depression.
And the fact I even have class from 9-3 on Saturday this week...
while on duty.
I warned you.


  1. want to hug you.
    whisk you away for wings...
    listen to happy music.
    and catch up...

    I so miss you a lot.
    Just trying to stay on top of chaos here...

    but still missing you.

  2. I DON'T. they had to change everyones plans because they decided against egypt with all that waring going on against christians. so now it's been pushed back more!
    i miss you too! if the rolling blackouts continue through tomorrow we should skype!
