Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I really thought Valentine's day was going to suck. Last Valentine's was one of the worst days in my relationship with my ex-boyfriend, and so though it wouldn't be as bad as that was, it was still gonna be pretty darn unfortunate.
However, it was not.
I stayed at school this weekend and expected to do nothing but sleep. But instead, on Friday I went with my friends Zach and Aaron and watched Disney movies and ate cookies and played telephone pictionary with them for about 6 hours.
Saturday Zach called me and asked me to go to Hope for the Hungry with him. I had never been before so I went along.
They took us to the bad part of Belton (which if you've been to Belton... the only nice part is UMHB itself) and we played with these little kids in the park for hours. It was so much fun. They would just latch on to you and go crazy. I got full out tackled in football and didn't even care. I played with chalk and decorated cookies and played with bubbles and played tag and pushed people on the swings and did so many things that, as a college student, you don't get to do.
They made Valentine's to take to school and I was given some. It was such a great feeling, as weird as that sounds, to know that they only got to make a few (and this was probably all they were going to be able to have at all) and they chose to give them to us.
One little girl I was with looked at my Valentine and said "someone loves you!" I've thought about that so many times since then.
Sure I may not have a ring on my finger, or a boyfriend that brings me flowers. But I am loved. And that's more than enough.
The rest of the weekend was good too, I passed my pharmacology test, and my brother asked to be my Valentine. Life can't get much better than that.

My mom gave me a whole lot of presents too, which was awesome :)

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