Sunday, February 6, 2011

Snow, snow, snow.

And then it happened.
All that cold weather finally found a purpose, and we got out of school.
About an hour after I wrote that last blog every phone in the classroom started going off... the campus police were calling to say school was canceled for the rest of the day.
The rejoicing began.
I ordered a pizza (since the whole campus was closed, no food from there, and our electricity kept going off and on) and my two roommates for next semester came over, and we watched toy story 3 and planned out next semester.
I cleaned my room.
I shaved my legs.
Basically, I did stuff that I had wanted to do and hadn't had time.
The next day school was back in, and I was back to studying my butt off. I took a break to go to the basketball game though, and as I was there... it started snowing. REALLY snowing. And the president of the school stood up during the game and announced we would not have school the next day.

And the whole campus went wild.
Jackets, scarves, hats, mittens, rainboots, running outside, screaming out loud, freshmen to the quad, upperclassmen to the intermural fields (it's a college understanding). Dancing, screaming, hugging, realizing I can stay up for a reason other than studying. We made a cake and watched movies once we realized how tired we were and I fell asleep at a friend's apartment at 4. The next day we went out to walk around, which a lot of people did. We took pictures and thought about how other people were in school and how I was supposed to have a test this day.
The rest of the day I hung out and watched movies with another friend, and the RAs took me to Killeen to get a great american cookie because of having one of the highest grades in the class... (oh yeah, did i not mention that my grade got moved to an 87.5?).

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