Sunday, August 8, 2010

Lake with my family.

Oh life is going so well :)
I recently had the best day ever, getting to catch up with friends I have missed.
The best day ever went something like this...
Wake up,
Take microbiology final,
Drive to Tokyo Grill to eat with Caleb,
Go to my friend's to pick up Katie,
Spend the whole rest of the day with her, waiting for my family to come into town at 3:30 A.M.,
Played with them and went to bed,
Woke up to have a ton more fun with my family!!

Since then I've been having tons of fun with my family. My little niece and nephew are, without question, the most beautiful kids I've ever seen. I love them.

We went out on our boat the other day, here's some pictures of our day.


  1. So my niece totally has the same bathing suit as your niece! so cool! I'm glad that you are having a fantastic summer! Can't wait to see you!

  2. haha that's so awesome!! i can't wait to see you! i'll call you sometime this week :)
